Why isn't sucrose an electrolyte? How could you make 3 L of a 0.2 M solution of glucose (C6H12O6)? Why is it unwise to boil the oxalate solution in preparation for its titration with permanganate? Please explain briefly. Why is it important to add the sulfuric acid drop-wise to the et...
Acetate Salts and Acetate Esters Because acetate salts are ionic, they tend to dissolve well in water. One of the easiest forms of acetate to prepare at home issodium acetate, which is also known as "hot ice." Sodium acetate is prepared by mixing vinegar (dilute acetic acid) and baking s...
Why isn't sucrose an electrolyte? Why do higher temperatures give the highest rate of hydrolysis in starches? Why does ethanol alcohol have a lower heat content than lamp oil and candle wax? What properties of a supercritical fluid are important in chromatography?
Define isosmotic. isosmotic synonyms, isosmotic pronunciation, isosmotic translation, English dictionary definition of isosmotic. adj. Of or exhibiting equal osmotic pressure. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyr
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Electrolyte solutions, which are optimised for the particular patient, for use in haemodialysis are prepared by starting from 9 l of a stock solution which contains 45.5 eq of sodium ion, 350 meq of magnesium ion, 12.25 eq of acetate ion and 33.6 eq of chloride ion and, where appropriate,...
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Sodium is an electrolyte mineral, and sodium chloride is simply table salt. Electrolytes are minerals that are necessary for nerve impulse (or electrical activity). The other electrolyte minerals are potassium, calcium, and magnesium. The amount of sodium in this product very low; therefore, it ...
In natural environments, when salt-containing moisture (like sea spray or industrial salt-laden air) adheres to the metal surface, it forms an electrolyte solution. Since there may be potential differences between different parts of the metal (for example, between the zinc layer and the wire ...