This workaround has not been tested and confirmed by Microsoft for any security/supportability implications.b. Modify the authenticationLevel of the application doing the queryFor this, modify the registry with the following script on the System, from which the qu...
An incident response plan is a set of written instructions that outline your organization's response to data breaches, data leaks, and cyber attacks.
We tested NordVPN’s speeds using a Fire TV Stick 4K Max with OpenVPN Protocol via Wi-Fi and received the following results: Servers: NordVPN features over 5,400 servers in 6o countries around the world. Best of all, NordVPN uses obfuscated servers which means websites are unable to tel...
What is a Bitcoin and why do I have to pay with it? Bitcoin is an untraceable crypto-currency network that uses peer-to-peer technology to handle transactions with no central authority - that means no banks or government agencies either. All transactions are public, however the people holding...
In the fast-paced world of social media, waiting for users to @mention your brand before you join the conversation means you’re missing opportunities every day. Customers are referring to your brand in a number of ways that don’t include your official handle: variations on your name, speci...
Says the writer: "Admittedly, this means three-quarters of those surveyed wouldn't change when they filed for benefits, but 39% of seniors also noted that a life event forced them to begin taking Social Security benefits. Okay. So reversing this tortured language, 77% of people age 50 and...
This means you’re not only breaking down silos to get a complete view of the patient experience, you’re also able to understand how each touchpoint is affecting it. This also allows you to personalize the patient experience by understanding what each person’s expectations and motivations are...
“Bathroom makers, home security service providers and nursing homes are highly interested in EchoCare’s solution.” Zack noted, “As more and more elder people live alone as a result of social distancing, there is an increased need to monitor them without the burden of wearables or privacy-...
So, any campaign or effort made towards improving customer retention is comparatively cheaper and provides a much better ROI for your business than an equivalent acquisition program for getting new customers on board. Another benefit is thatany improvement in retention rate will automatically improve th...
This study used the instructional humor processing theory to test how different humor subtypes employed by teachers (course-related, course-unrelated, self