Soapbox racing cars have no motors (发动机). You need a hill or a slope (斜坡) to race down. Time: From 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Place: At the top of Clifton Avenue Age: Between 6 and 16 Enter fee: £22 Notice: We will have experts to tell you all you need to know....
holding my phone. I stood there knowing he wasn’t coming back to hurt me. I stood there waiting for the police. I stood there. Shaken. Shaking. Confused. Heart racing. Heart. Beating. I was alive.
It's crazy that the people who are clearly always wrong somehow never get called to account on their errors and still get a soapbox to continue saying new things along the same facile brained lines. Nothing has surprised me more across the last couple decades of writing about Apple and ...