Snapchat may not be themostpopularsocial media appout there, but it is one of the most downloaded ones for tweens and teens. "Social media is used to socialize," says child psychiatrist Kathleen Rivera, MD. "Similar to when phones first became popular and kids/teenagers would spend hours t...
One the attractive things to teens about Snapchat in the early days of the app was that kids were always told that “anything they upload online will be there forever, even after you delete”. This is still true in many cases. However, one of thesocial media safety tipskids need to kno...
The servers your teens chat on are mostly private, and not just anyone can get in without permission or a password, but there are searchable servers out there. On every topic you could ever imagine. It’s a little harder to see who your kids have been chatting with than a traditional te...
Is Telegram safe for kids? Unlike other communication apps like Kik and Snapchat, Telegram isn’t designed to attract young users. Theirterms of serviceindicate that users need to be 16+ to use the app but as we parents know, age restrictions do little to put off curious kids. After usin...
Since there is so much to learn about this social media giant, we've compiled this article along with many others into a companion guide to help you use Snapchat in fun and safe ways. To use this guide, open the links in the navigation pane. You'll see it's separated into seven dif...
Caroline Cakebread
A TikTok ban would leave a sizable opening for other social media platforms. In an effort to become the teen favorite again, Snapchat released itsMy AI chatbot, powered by OpenAI, the maker of ChatGPT, to all users and launched newAR experiences. ...
Safe from prying eyes Raj got the idea when someone introduced him to the app. In advertising, he saw brands trying to jump onto Snapchat all the time. “I was amazed by how quickly the app had caught on with youngsters and how they had their own space here,” he tellsTech in Asia...
If you haven't opened Snapchat in a while, the app has an ever-changing pack of face-morphing filters, which allow you to swap faces with others and transform into everything from a dog to someone with an abnormally large forehead. One such filter turns you into a stereotypical geeky te...
So is Snapchat safe to use? Yes. Snapchat could be used for NSFW purposes—but no more so than any other social network or online platform. For most people, it's not something you should worry about. Should You Download Snapchat?