For anyone who recently switched ecosystems, was it as daunting as I think it will be? What Android features other than Game Pass will make the switch worth it? Sound off on the comments below and in the meantime, let's hope Apple and Microsoft work this out soon. Mobi...
Shift Up doubles down on that strength with bosses like Tachy, as they look even more impressive.Stellar Bladeis a looker, but once that initial infatuation wore off, I began to feel that my attraction to it was purely surface-level. A game can have memorable locales, characters, and enemi...
Mafia: The Old Country is also on our lists of upcoming Xbox Series X games and upcoming PC games, but you won't find it on the list of upcoming Switch games. Turok: Origins: everything we know so far Before there was Horizon, the iconic dinosaur hunter was Turok. This series was at...
Just as a reminder, all of these mods can only be tinkered with on PC only and that goes for Skyrim as well. If you’re just starting out in the modding scene then Fallout 4 Nexus is the way to go, and one of the primary tools you’ll need is the Fallout 4 Script Extender whic...
Since its initial release in late 2011, The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim has remained one of the most popular games ever made. It's been released on everything from PC and last-gen consoles to current-gen machines and even the Nintendo Switch. While not without bugs and technical issues, ...
I do love the booger so it works out. Even if he rants and raves in Engrish on his site. It is part of his endearing character. Let’s see, what have I been up to? Lots and lots of Skyrim. I shit you not. I rarely log into ToR, maybe two or three times a week I will lo...
I definitely don't want future BGS game to limit scope & lose their uniqueness just for switching to UE like any other studio. A modern Skyrim with some jank >> another generic UE RPG. I say a UE BGS game will be very different. ...
It does this admirably, and developers have managed to squeeze some surprisingly good performance out of the Tegra X1. The Switch can even handle some impressive ports of older triple-A titles like Skyrim and The Witcher 3, and they play very well, provided you enjoy them in handheld mode...
Skyrim and Fallout until we got fatigued with it, causing that fatigue to pour over into Starfield. After two weeks I just stopped playing. I felt like I'd already been playing the game for a year. Bethesda is middling with their expansions and post launch support, so unless they really ...
The video, titled simply "Thrones," takes the iconic Game of Thrones show intro and puts it in the context of Bethesda's RPG, Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. Its creator, Brady Wold, worked on the animation for over two years, adding to it here and there in his free time—working on it ...