Yes,skieris in the scrabble dictionary ...and is worth9points by itself. find more words you can make below Skier Definition noun Someone whoskis. from the English-language Wiktionary Here are some other words you could make with the lettersSKIER, you can also ...
cross spectral distri cross step cross the bridge go a cross the sky cross the threshold cross trackcross- tra cross village small h cross way cross-authorization cross-browser checks cross-country skier cross-country skiing cross-deck structure cross-equatorial curr cross-haired cursor cross-joint...
Noun A macintosh made from cotton fabric treated with oil and pigment to make it waterproof A person with good manners and stylish clothing Someone who leads you to believe something that is not true 1 Anagram of Slicker Anagrams are words that use the same letters as other words, but in ...
Alpinist Definition Adownhillskierwhopractisesthesportonhighmountains. from the English-language Wiktionary Amountainclimber,especiallyin theEuropeanAlpsor inrangesofsimilarruggednessandelevation. from the English-language Wiktionary Aclimberofhighmountains,especiallyin theAlps. ...
The meaning of ires ires 2 definitions of the word ires. Noun A strong emotion; a feeling that is oriented toward some real or supposed grievance Belligerence aroused by a real or supposed wrong (personified as one of the deadly sins) Sponsored Links...
skier9 skies9 skims11 skins9 smear7 smerk11 smirk11 snags6 snake9 snare5 snark9 sneak9 sneds6 snide6 4 Letter Words aged6 ager5 ages5 agin5 aide5 aids5 aims6 ains4 airn4 airs4 akin8 amen6 amid7 amie6 amin6 amir6 amis6 ands5 anes4 anis4 ares4 arid5 arks8 arms6 asks8 dag...
1champion /ˈtʃæmpijən/ noun. pluralchampions. What's the meaning of championships? 1 :the position or title of best or winning player or team in a sportor game of skill The skier was defending her championship. 2 : a contest held to determine the best or winning player or...
Noun Trousers ending above the knee Underpants worn by women Sponsored Links What Scrabble words can I make with the letters in knickers? 7 Letter Words kickers17 nickers13 skinker15 snicker13 6 Letter Words ickers12 inkers10 kicker16
Platte (pronounced “plat”) is a proper noun. It means a river in Nebraska. The North and South Platte Rivers flow into the Platte River, which flows into the Missouri River, which flows into the Mississippi River. The Mississippi flows down into the Gulf of Mexico. Where is the Platte...
“If I know I am alone, I like to sing, but never in amanlyvoice, always in falsetto.” Adjective ▲ Comparative for having a muscular, traditionally masculine, physique “With hismanlymuscles, he flexed and pulled hard to tie the raft off to a near-shore palm tree using a Boy Scout...