It meansto scatter, or drop in a scattering way. If you run with a bucket of potatoes or apples, and keep spilling some of them in an irregular way along the path, you are said to skedaddle them." The word came into US military slang during the Civil War. ... Country and Scottish...
Cowed by Min-Hyuk’s presence, the Drunk Man quickly skedaddles away. Ki-Tek taps Ki-Woo on the shoulder. KI-TEK Your friend has mucho cajones. CHUNG-SOOK It’s that college student glow. Look at that confidence. KI-JUNG Which Ki-Woo obviously doesn’t have. A smitten Ki...
Limericks are silly short stories, and we've found 75 funny limerick poems for you to enjoy! Plus, how to write a limerick.
General George Washington, with a bit of trickery and a rather large cannon hauled through the snow from Ticonderoga, New York, convinced the Red Coats to skedaddle, relinquishing control of the city. It was one of only a handful of victories Washington and the Continental Army would ...
Let's skedaddle. PIPER Shouldn't we check the dead guys for clues? MACGRUBER Yeah, okay. Yes. 47. INT. RAIL YARD WAREHOUSE -- DAY All of the dead men are laid out side by side. PIPER This cell phone is all we got. MACGRUBER Then we better make the most of it. Because at ...
I have a bet on this: Learnt is a real word, right? Is a boor somebody who boos or somebody who bores? Somebody in my drama club used the word ostentation the other day. What does that mean, anyway? Define paraphrasing. What's another word that means the same thing as malevolence?
It meant that you stopped all of whatever dumb shit you were doing, or he’d kill you to make it stop. And if you were Mexican, he’d likely kill you anyway for being Mexican In Public, so you’d best skedaddle as fast as you could back over the border. Better make a runfortha...
That is, when the Romans ruled Britain, they established weights and measure standards and these persisted for hundreds of years after the Romans had skedaddled. So the English pound, ounce, pence, mile, and all of that originated with Roman measures (there were some Saxon ones kept as well...
of Westeros with dragons. Jorah stops for mail and sends Daenerys on with two slaves and bodyguard. What he gets is a scroll from a boy who whispers that “The Spider” sends greets and congratulations – and a royal pardon. “You can go home now,” the boy says, and skedaddles. ...