每年天气最炎热这几个星期,天狼星(Sirius)总与太阳共升共落,而天狼星的别号就是the Dog Star。 So in Latin, people use the root word "can", which represents the dog, to represent Sirius "canicular". Therefore, this period of extreme heat is called Sirius days. It is written in English as ...
In fact, the term “dog days” came from the ancient Greeks referring to the dog star, Sirius. San means “three” in Chinese with Sanfu covering the three periods of fu days. In Chinese, fu means to hide. The word is also a suggestion for the people to “hide” at home when ...
SBSirius Black(Harry Potter) SBSelbstbedienung(German: self service) SBSodium Benzoate SBSpoiled Brat SBSONICblue(electronics company) SBStealth Bomber SBSymphonic Band SBSpaceballs(Mel Brooks movie) SBSonic Battle(game) SBSyndicate Bank(India) ...
a first-magnitude star in the constellation Canis Minor. [1650–60; < Latin < GreekProkýōn=pro-pro-2+kýōndog (seehound); so called because it rises just before Sirius, the Dog Star] Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 19...
The hottest days in the summer. In ancient Rome, the dog star Sirius, shone brightest in July and August, so this hottest time of the year was called the dog days. Dog-eared Some people have the bad habit of turning down the corner of a page in a book to mark the place where th...
Lehndorff / Trülzsch - Sirius. Where the Dog is BuriedValentina Moncada
The name is sometimes applied to the American shad (Clupea sapidissima). See Shad. alpha Canis MajorisDog Star Dog" Star` Sirius, a star of the constellation Canis Major, or the Greater Dog, and the brightest star in the heavens; -- called also Canicula, and, in astronomical charts, [...
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the siren the sirius the sisterhood of the the sistine chapel ce the site is designed the situation is to o the six kinds of stag the sixth day the pri the size table the skeleton of the f the skulls caleb mand the sky cloudless the sky darkened the slightest miscalc the sloan fellow...
I just wonder if some of these things end up simmering down. And I am interested in this question, which I think has been there since sort of ancient times, people talking about the dog star Sirius and when that was nigh, heralding the hottest days of the year, drought, bad luck and...