WilliamsGrut, Oscar
The Olympic opening ceremony celebrated Sir Tim Berners-Lee's achievements - by asking the founder of the World Wide Web to play a key part in opening of the London Olympic Games. He then delivered a specially prepared tweet to the world. Hetweeted: "This is for everyone" from a computer...
A.blame Sir Tim Berners Lee for having created the World Wide Web B.have studied the problem of online plagiarism for nearly 20 years C.be in favour of Littlewood’s defence against the accusation of him D.worry about the quality of students’ coursework influenced by the World Wide Web ...
31/Aug/1888Mary Ann Nichols is Found Dead in Whitechapel, London, Launching the Legend of Jack the Ripper 1/Sep/1939Switzerland proclaims neutrality 2/Sep/1752Last Julian calendar day in US & Britain/British colonies 3/Sep/1935Sir Malcolm Campbell Surpasses 300 Miles Per Hour ...