A SIMPLE IRA plan is an easy-to-manage savings plan that lets participants save for retirement with tax-deferred dollars. Contributions in this plan get invested in a similar manner to traditional individual retirement arrangements (IRAs), where individuals contribute to their plan with pre-tax dol...
A SIMPLE IRA may be just what small businesses need to help their employees save for retirement. What is a SIMPLE IRA? A SIMPLE IRA offers a straightforward and inexpensive way for small businesses to establish a retirement plan for their employees. A SIMPLE IRA can be a great way to help...
Certain retirement account transactions require you to fill out an additional form with the IRS. Here's when you might need a Form 5329 and how to complete this document.
SEP-IRA: A Simplified Employee Pension (SEP) plan is another way for self-employed individuals and business owners to set up a retirement savings plan for themselves and their employees. These accounts are funded by the employer, and contribution limits are higher than other types of IRAs. In...
With a solo 401(k), a self-employed person is considered both an employer and an employee. This means they can make contributions to the account as both parties. Currently, the IRS limits annual self-employed 401(k) contributions: For the employee: Up to $20,500 (if you're under 50...
To achieve this Social Security benefit, you must have had the maximum taxable earnings for a whopping 35 years. It is for this reason, that most people’s benefits will be far less in Social Security benefits. Forget this number if you plan to retire ahead of your full retirement age (...
Note: The content of this article applies only to taxes prepared for 2009 and 2010. It is included here for reference only. In order to take the making work pay tax credit, the IRS requires you to prepare a Schedule M with your federal tax return.
A SEP IRA is a tax-advantaged retirement plan for anyone who is self-employed, owns a business, employs others, or earns freelance income. SEP IRA contributions are considered employer contributions, so the business makes them to the employee (which may be you). The SEP IRA is designed ...
Dividend stocks have a role to play in any portfolio. The more dividends you reinvest, the more shares you own, and the more shares you own, the larger your future dividends will be. Dividend stocks are a staple of every income investor's portfolio, but don't dismiss them as a retiree...
A home was considered an asset in the past, but since the housing market crash, planners see it as less of an asset than they once did. With the popularity of home equity loans and home equity lines of credit (HELOCs), many homeowners areentering retirement in mortgage debtinstead of wel...