The intrinsic solubility of delavirdine in water is 0.86 μg/mL and demonstrates a pH-dependent solubility profile (higher solubility at acidic pH 1.2). Different salts of delavirdine viz. tosylate, HCl, HBr, mesylate, etc., were prepared to improve the solubility of a drug. The ...
Why would a molecule change color under acidic or basic conditions? Why is concentrated sulfuric acid indicated as a liquid and no aqueous solution? Why are closed-toe shoes worn in the chemistry lab? Why would magnesium remove tarnish from silver?
Living cells did not sorb Sc at pH values below 4.5 compared with impaired cells that could sorb Sc from acidic solutions. The main mechanism of Sc bioaccumulation is interaction with phosphates and polyphosphates. Evidently, the concentration of absorbed Sc depended on the content of phosphorus ...
Re: Please help me determine whether silver nitrate and... is acid or base? « Reply #3 on: June 02, 2008, 07:00:46 PM » So they are saying if you:Put AgCl into water, does it make the solution acidic, basic or neutral?If you bubble carbon dioxide into water, does it make...
Suppose you add hydrochloric acid to silver nitrate and get silver chloride and nitric acid. If hydrochloric acid is the limiting agent, how do you calculate the pH knowing there are two strong acids? Would a solution with a pH of 3 be acidic? How does the pH of H+ and OH- compare?
as gel and polymer electrolytes have a lower resistance to temperature and temperature changes. Unlike electrodes with liquid electrolyte, the incredibly small outflow rate of gel and polymer electrolyte in strongly acidic, basic, and low-ionic strength solutions can result in measurement errors due ...
(iv) Formic acid is reacted with ammoniacal silver nitrate solution Glacial acetic acid is heated at 973 K (vi) Formic acid is heated with Fehling's solution (vii) Ammonium acetate is dry distilled. (viii) Acidified potassium permanganate is added to oxalic acid (ix) Oxalic acid is...
The reason for this is the very strong complexing properties of the chloride ion, even in acidic media. The presence of chloride affects the redox potential of many metals in a strong way:Cu --> Cu(2+) + 2eCu + 4Cl(-) --> CuCl4(2-) + 2eThe latter redox reaction can be ...
Why does chloroform, under some conditions, dissolve in a mixture of acidic acid and water? Why doesn't sulphur dioxide directly dissolve in water? Why isn't hydrochloric acid used to both dissolve and precipitate silver? 1. Why is potassium hydroxide used ...
What happens when a strip of zinc is placed in a silver nitrate solution? Single Replacement Reactions: A single replacement reaction occurs when one element replaces another element in a compound. The element that does the replacing ranks higher in the metal activity/reactivity seri...