The hunchback, head of the orphanage shouted back. “It’s better for ya brother if he goes wid da rich folk.” Added Milton the toothless overseer. “No!” “It’s a done deal!” I was dragged kicking and screaming to the attic. Through barred windows I watched the tall skinny ...
For erample: T h e angry d river shouted vehemently during his fight with th e other driver. What does "vehemently" 16_? You know what _17 means, and you k now how peopl e 18 when they argue. From this, you can 19 out that "vehemently" ha s something to do with strong 20...
They shouted `Yes!' in unison. 他们齐声喊道: “是的!” It's about literally 300 people doing something in unison. 实际上大约有300人共同合作。 图片源自《迷失》 I should think they'll howl at the moon in unison. 我估计他们会一起对天咆哮。 图片源自《唐顿庄园》 活学活用 请用do XX in...
walked down the aisle alone and flowerless without one family member in attendance, Phoebe shouted: “I know she’s the worst but someone get that girl some flowers! And how are her friends just sitting there? Walk a lonely sister down the aisle!”...
" shouted Henry, raising his hand. “嗨,汤姆!好啊!”享得大叫着,并把手举起来。 句型解说: 在现代美国电影或电视中,常常可看到两个人手伸出一互相击掌(其实中国人也有许多这样),这种现象发生在两初见面时,或是有什么值得两人高兴的事发生时。 有时会说“Give me five”。有时两人很有默契时,不说“Give...
Theenragedcrowd shouted angrily at the politician. Just like other adjectives, past participles can also be a complement that is connected to the subject by alinking verb. Henry wastired. The audience wasamazedby the magician’s incredible tricks. ...
(the one who gets drunk with her dog),walked down the aisle alone and flowerless without one family member in attendance, Phoebe shouted: “I know she’s the worst but someone get that girl some flowers! And how are her friends just sitting there? Walk a lonely sister down the aisle!
The verb phrasepopped inalready suggests a brief visit, so the modifying wordbrieflybecomes superfluous. He shoutedloudly. He shoutedvery loudly. The verbshoutedalready indicates a loud voice, so the modifying wordsveryandloudlyare superfluous. Having your work described as “woolly” or “wordy” ...
wish- make or express a wish; "I wish that Christmas were over" cry out,exclaim,call out,outcry,shout,cry- utter aloud; often with surprise, horror, or joy; "`I won!' he exclaimed"; "`Help!' she cried"; "`I'm here,' the mother shouted when she saw her child looking lost" ...
First thing I knew was when a guard outside out CP shouted a challenge. The guy answered in American, so I didn’t get suspicious, but our guard said, ‘You kraut son of a bitch,’ and opened fire. Then all hell broke loose.” Torrance ordered an evacuation of the CP, ordering ...