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JERRY FRASHER: It just depended. I mean, it was – everything was very short. It was maybe once a week. … Maybe more, depending on just how it worked out. They would meet in secret on the farm, on back roads, and occasionally motel rooms. MATTHEW TROIANO: Well, I think it was ...
To track genes that exhibit a profile of expression similar to that of endogenous VSIG1, we used the STEM (Short Time-series Expression Miner) software. STEM analyses of RNA-seq performed on the 4 C11 FACS-sorted populations identified 1 CL with 3 statistically significant profiles and 223 ...
This case study confirmed the efficacy of CRISPR-Cas9 enrichment in exposing the detailed structural and contextual information of specific DNA segments, given the limited knowledge of only a short sequence. This method presents a new resource for environmental microbiologists navigating complex microbial...
The RNAseq and Nanopore fastq files have been deposited in the NCBI short read archive (SRA) under the accession number PRJNA419080.Abbreviations DD: Double-domain protein LS: Lab strain SCP/TAPS: Sperm-Coating Proteins/Tpx1/Ag5/PR-1/Sc7 SD: Single-domain protein TPM: Transcripts per...
In this work, 'well-being' is a sustained, positive, perceived state of satisfaction with life (often described as subjective well-being or SWB), rather than short-term happiness or a simple absence of 'ill-being'. Engagement, as we shall explore further, is interlinked with the concept ...
Short Bio:Dr., Prof. Wolfgang Osten received the MSc/Diploma in Physics from the Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena in 1979. From 1979 to 1991 he was working at the Academy of Sciences in Berlin in several institutes making investigations in coherent metrology, digital image processing, and machi...
We can think of the total short-term effect as the effect on \( \ln e_{t}\) at time t of a one unit change in \({\mathbf {x}}_{k}\) in each of N locations at time t only. Table 1 Estimates of Eq. 8 Full size table The presence of the spatial lags is typically ...
The short names for each site are used on X axis: AG: AGRISAR, Ba: Barrax, Be: Beltsville, Ca: California, CE2: CEFLES2, Fu: Fundulea, It: Italy, Le: Les Alpilles 1, Me: Mead, Mi: Missour, NA: NAFE06, SE3: SEN3EXP2009, SM3: SMAPEx3, SMA: SMEX02-IA, SMK: SMEX...
The third proposed EFTEON landscape of relevance is the Garden Route Gateway (GRG), which will be centred on short-reach, high-energy river systems draining the Baviaans and Kouga Mountains of the Cape Fold Belt into the Indian Ocean through an area of rapid urbanisation and agricultural intensi...