"A single individual with a computer, P.O. Box, and a pill press can order fentanyl directly from China to his or her home," Grassley said, describing the rise of a mom and pop shop model of drug trafficking. "For the cost of a few thousand dollars of raw product, t...
Later in the interview, the extent of this becomes more clear during this testy exchange between Simpson, Simpson’s lawyer (Mr. Levey) and Jason Foster, Senator Grassley’s Chief Investigative Counsel: FOSTER: So without getting into naming the sources or anything like that, what steps did yo...
Sen. Sandersof Vermont andSen. Grassleyof Iowa had gotten unanimous approval in the Senate to include language thatbailed-out banks could no longer be allowed to fire American workersand replace them with foreign workers. Pelosi, Reid and Obama made sure that banks can continue to discriminate ...
2944 to S. 2349 (527 Reform Act of 2006),Amendment Agreed to (84-13),To establish as a standing order of the Senate a requirement that a Senator publicly disclose a notice of intent to object to proceeding to any measure or matter.,84,13 2006-03-28,2,79,S. 2349,On the Cloture ...
Letter from DOJ to Grassley saying they are changing their position on what it takes to remove corrupt judges (Image url here): Interesting, mainly in how it is wrong: That sounds like it could be it, but it misses the biggest story, which is that things did not grow and seize power ...
The Physician Payments Sunshine Act, which was passed by the US Senate with the help of an extensive investigation led by Senator Charles Grassley (R-IA), provisions that doctors who receive payoffs from drug or vaccine companies must disclose this when pushing new therapies or medical procedures...
“July, 23, 1956 No Senator from the South is so well equipped or so zealous to become the head and front of a sustained fight for segregation. ” as former Governor of Georgia Senator Herman Talmadge.“He is hampered by no entangling alliances. He does not have to pull his punches. ...
” But the Oklahoma senator said Thursday that though he and Gaetz have “had our differences,” he believes Trump has “done a really good job assembling the Cabinet together.” He added, “I’m going to treat Matt just I am every other nomination, they’ve got to go through the ...
“I’m willing to have a discussion with him and find out where he’s coming from,” Grassley told reporters Tuesday. “But I may have to spend a lot of time educating him about agriculture, and I’m willing to do that.” Lead Art: Former Republican presidential candidate Robert F. Ke...
Kennedy, who first ran as a Democrat then as an independent, dropped out in August and endorsed Donald Trump. Wearing a “Jail Fauci” shirt, Matlock said he was unconcerned that Kennedy could face questions about his past anti-vaccine rhetoric. “He’s been defending hi...