Plastids are either numerous and discoid (Achnanthes longipes) or two and H-shaped (other species). The genus is predominately marine, but some taxa occur inland; Achnanthes coarctata is a common member of the aerophilic assemblage growing associated with moss and lichen (Dodd and Stoermer,...
A universal redux version of my Meteor attempt at Words with Friends (online scrabble). - words-with-strangers-redux/input_words.txt at master · joshwcomeau/words-with-strangers-redux
’ another deux ex machina, the belief in laws of human and political destiny, laws conceived as a property of nature and giving history a predictive function.
The act of demystification retains a sacrificial quality and remains essentially religious in character as long as it fails to come to a conclusion – as long, that is, as the process purports to be nonviolent, or less violent than the system itself. In fact, demystification leads to constant...
For example, myoepithelium in non-progressors was thinner and less continuous than in progressor and normal samples (Figures 6D and 6E). To examine this difference more comprehensively, we trained a linear discriminant analysis model to differentiate progressors and non-progressors using all myo...
Mr. Rex had muddled about on the ridge and either disappeared into thin air or dropped off the back side, so the even thinner snow on the face we had just ascended was all ours. It made for entirely mediocre skiing. Which is kind of the point of all this writing. At no point was ...
The walls, streaked with moss, had grown soft,and bulged a little with dampness that seeped up from the ground. The wild, overgrown garden was full of the whisper and scurry of small lives. In the undergrowth a rat snake rubbed itself against a glistening stone. Hopeful yellow bullfrogs ...