sdxl/kohya_ss/output', '--logging_dir=/home/ubuntu/sdxl/kohya_ss/log', '--network_alpha=8', '--save_model_as=safetensors', '--network_module=networks.lora', '--unet_lr=0.002', '--network_train_unet_only', '--network_dim=8', '--output_name=flt1strk_sdxl', '--lr_...
diffusers==0.22.1 # install ip-adapter pip install git+ # download the models cd IP-Adapter git lfs install git clone mv IP-Adapter/models models mv IP-Adapter/sdxl_models sdxl_models # then you can...
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Stable Diffusion was happy to oblige. DALL·E 3 vs. Stable Diffusion: Which should you use? Neither DALL·E 3 nor Stable Diffusion is a clear winner when you compare them head-to-head. DALL·E 3 is easy to use and safe, though it costs $20/month through ChatGPT. If you use Chat...
Here we report a novel concept that cells can signal chromatin damage from the nucleus back to the surrounding tissue through the cytokine interleukin-1alpha (IL-1α). Thus, in addition to its role as a danger signal, which occurs when the cytokine is passively released by cell necrosis, ...
6. Despite numerous health benefits, adherence to chronic CR remains poor and possibly even unsafe in normal weight older adults7,8,9. As such, there is a critical need to establish safe, practical alternatives to regular CR for enhancing cardiovascular function and health with aging in humans...
Download all Table S1. Proteins interact with ERα in the cytoplasm, related to Figure 1 Table S2. ERα-RNA binding events identified by HITS-CLIP analysis, related to Figure 1 Table S3. Comparison of the chromatin-binding events between WT and RBDmut ERα, related to Figure 2 Table S4...
就是二只母鸡下蛋,网上买的麻羽母鸡不下蛋吃的特别多,再不下蛋,宰了吃肉, 21 这两公鸡真厉害,啄人,我就没敢抓它回。 这两公鸡真厉害,啄人,我就没敢抓它回。 25 九只鸡,二只,母鸡下蛋,二只公鸡看门,拼多多买了五只养了五个月了不下蛋。 九只鸡,二只,母鸡下蛋,二只公鸡看门,拼多多买了五只养了五个...
现有的MIM技术尚未达到领先扩散模型如SDXL所表现的性能水平,特别是在图像质量、复杂细节和概念表达等关键领域表现不佳,而这些对实际应用至关重要。 这些挑战需要探索新的创新方法,Meissonic的目标是使MIM能够高效生成高分辨率图像(如1024×1024),同时缩小与顶级扩散模型的差距,并确保其计算效率适合消费级硬件。
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