but it got removed by the Foundation, and they stated thatSiren Head is not an SCP. Any source implying Siren Head to be a SCP is false, since Henderson has stated that he wishes to keep Siren Head as his own separate work.
Create a.mdfile underweekly/historicalnamed after the weekly roundup date inyyyy-mm-dd.mdformat Copying the contents template (weekly/_template) into this new file Update the metadata at the top If there is no podcast then just enter thedateandweekly_linkand leave the rest empty ...
当然,以下是一些使用“It is a good idea to do sth”结构的例句:学习方面:It is a good idea to review your notes regularly before an exam. (考试前定期复习笔记是个好主意。) It is a good idea to seek help from your teachers if you have difficulties with a subject. (如果你在某科目上有困...
答句: It is in the drawer next to the bed. (我的钥匙在哪里?它们在床旁边的抽屉里。) 注意:虽然“keys”是复数形式,但当我们用“it”来指代一个整体时(如一串钥匙),仍然可以使用单数形式的代词。 示例三:在图书馆 问句: Where is the reference section?答句: It is on the second floor, near ...
Text of LD 616