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JSTOR, Pubmed, Scholar Google, and other databases can be used to find credible and recent articles, journals, and papers relevant to your topic and use them as references." 3 Write a blog post on "the digital transformation of the health sectors in the global south". It will be useful...
if it is credible, long-term expectations will remain close to the inflation target (Blinder, 2000) and relatively insensitive to data releases (Bernanke, 2007). A credible inflation target also helps to anchor the private sector’s views on the distribution of long-run inflation (Gürkaynak ...
The question of who, if anybody, has a right to give other people commands, is not a scientific question, and (fortunately or unfortunately, depending on your point of view) science does not have much to say about the overall subject. (The discipline sometimes called "political science" is ...
However, STI is only one of many types of information used in policy making and policy actors often differ in the extent to which they view STI as credible, particularly compared to other types of potentially policy‐relevant information. Research on credibility (the believability of information, ...
In those scenarios, librarians become sleuths, using their investigative skills to find whatever is sought after whether a particular fact or an amalgamation of all the credible scholarship on a specific topic. There are also situations where librarians help people locate one-of-a-kind items...
Political considerations heavily influence public sector management, which can undermine the concept of the budget as a neutral and credible instrument of government policy. Bird et al. [8] develop an explicit framework that focuses on institutional and governance processes and includes standards in ...
“We haven’t as a field figured out how to measure (these skills) in a way that’s credible to the outside world,” she says. Some research is promising, including a 2020reportshowing that economically disadvantaged students in New York state who attended certain high schools implementing pr...
Confirmation that an application has undergone testing, revision, and demonstration to be ‘ready’ for real-world use provides credible information for organisations, decision makers, and policymakers to make evidence-informed decisions about implementation, integration, and adoption. 5. Strengths and ...
Rather, information has to be actionable; it has to be safe to take action; and it has to be credible that there will be a response. He also found that voice – from local communities alone – is not enough to challenge more powerful actors. The voices of the normally excluded have to...