Some more FYI info for anybody getting called up... There are ATM machines as far as Kuwait, but none in Iraq that I've seen. For cash, you need to go to Finance and either cash a check or get a draw from your pay. Nobody in Iraq takes credit cards that I've seen. On the ...
The reason the saying producess a wry smile, is that as a first approximation sometimes a “spherical cow” is not a bad place to start. Antenna theory for instance is an interesting example of a spherical cow (transition region around a point source). Where the reactive E and H fields ...
For the deaths of Snup and Sara? Honestly and factually, I find it extremely unfair to put their deaths ENTIRELY ON HIM. I will lay out my reasons below in fairness and I pray to god the mods don’t find this offensive or rude. These are all facts that you can see clearly from t...
“I went to see my friend, and we hung out playing video games,” but what he isn’t saying is: “I went to hang out with my female friend, and we started with video games but ended up having sex.” I’m not saying all Pisces men are liars and cheaters. Though, if he’s not...
Also, FYI, as the previous response (local—lives and pays taxes here, I believe, said) try the Tiny Turtle or some of our new (and old new — Mainly Lobster, etc.) establishments. They are def more “up to your standards” and the beach is still the same. Kay May 8, 2021 ...
He was rude to the extreme. And dangerous. He once booby trapped his desk with bare 230V live mains wires on it, saying that anyone who touches his desk deserves to be electrocuted, and then he went home. He left the company not long after and I noticed the morale of the place ...
fyi If the Book is sufficient, Kindly, Explain - Deliver what? Where is it is the Book, ? Not everything in in the book, some was direct Communication as in the case above, to be delivered by Muhammad Al-Mustafa(Peace be upon him and his pure progeny) to the Believers. Sin...
FYI:Airbnb Stokes Hosts' Ire Over Paused Payments muddy2023 年4 月 19 日 02:359 @Alex08Yes, the Airbnb Community forum is filled with posts about hosts not getting paid for long past and completed bookings (although for some reason I’ve almost never seen that problem with hos...
For anything you’re about to send:ask yourself, “Would I say this to the person’s face?” If the answer is no,rewrite and reread.2.If someone in the chat room is rude to you, your instinct(本能) is to fire back in the same manner. But try not to do so.3.If it was cause...
Did you know 95% of hypothyroid patients also have Hashimoto’s? I often get messages from readers who say that they have hypothyroidism but not Hashimoto’s. However, often they have BOTH. What is the difference between hypothyroidism and Hashimoto’s?