Microorgan- isms are involved in the process of decomposition of deadwood and their activity determines the rate of decomposition. The most important biological role in wood decomposition is played by saprophytic fungi and bacteria, including cellulolytic and lignino- lytic organisms, which determine ...
SAP: saprotrophic, ECM: ectomycorrhizal, PAG: pathogenic, PY: young forest (10a), PM: middle-aged forest (20a), and PN: near-mature forest (30a). The results of PCoA showed that there were significant differences in the fungal community composition among different ages (R2 = 0.51, p ...
maydis saprotrophic growth and laccase secretion. The results show basal and very low laccase secretion in minimal medium without glucose or with the addition of 0.1% glucose. The laccase levels increased significantly as corn parts were added as a form of ground tissue. Furthermore, mature ...