the salvation army ce the same as candy the same damn problem the same goes for you the same mind the same procedure the same time use the sample machinist the samudra retreat s the sand reckoner the sands of time are the santa fe opera the savage poetry the saxophone the scales of the...
You might see the word “bishop” in your Bible, but it meant an overseer and one of the elders of a local church, not a person with spiritual authority over a region. So, wrong for being Woke, and wrong for claiming to be a bishop, and wrong for claiming spiritual authority over me...
Those people who received land from the king were made “barons” and in return they had to provide the king with knights if there should be a war. The chief class conflict of the time was that between the serfs and the peasants on the one hand, and their feudal lords, including the ...
In the last few minutes I looked at one of the questions and figured out the shape and the color but I knew I did not have time to figure out the equation. The dream ended with one or two minutes to go before the test was over. And I had done nothing correctly except identify one...
Paul connects the resurrected Christ to Passover in the New Testament (1 Corinthians 5:7). He refers to Jesus as the “paschal lamb” sacrificed for his people’s salvation. Jesus celebrated the Last Supper with his disciples during Passover, so it makes sense that the Feast of the Resurre...
‘But about that day or hour no one knows, neither the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father. Beware, keep alert;for you do not know when the time will come. It is like a man going on a journey, when he leaves home and puts his slaves in charge, each with his ...
The Promise of Salvation Under a New Davidic King.[bi] 23 There is no gloom where there had been distress. Where once he degraded the land of Zebulun and the land of Naphtali, now he has glorified the way of the Sea, the land across the Jordan, Galilee of the Nations.[bj] Chapter...
Rapture/Lake of Fire/Transfiguration of the chosen few, will ALL happen at the same time pretty much. Some will see a terrifying explosion. While others see Jesus The Sun/Son of God. Three events during one event. God is NOT predictable. The predicted date of the apocalypse is 04-08-...
The key factor in the plan of salvation is not the possession of an idea, but the possession of a Person, that Person being Jesus. The weakest saint may, by faith, have Jesus, and the Savior that called Lazarus from his dusty bed is able to bring spiritual life out of spiritual death...
and that God knows, and recognised their condition before the Holy and sin hating God, they would be, and should be terrified. An analogy: Imagine what a horror it would be and what kind of feelings one would have if one learned that their spouse has found out about a long time extra...