To salvage something is to save, preserve, or rescue it, and if you can successfully do this, you can say it'ssalvageable. What irretrievably means? : not retrievable :impossible to regain or recover. What are Savables? Savable meaning Capable of being saved. Where's that word?
Scramblescramble is not a valid Scrabble word. Scramblescramble is a word starting with s ending with e. Check our list of words starting with s ending with e. Table of Contents Words that can be made with the letters in scramblescramble Sponsored LinksSponsored...
我看到isSalable()(又由isSaleable()调用)调用isAvailable()但也调度两个事件 (>catalog_product_is_salable_before和catalog_product_is_salable_after)。 在前端,我注意到在 Magento 的基本模板中isAvailable()用于决定是否将产品显示为“有货”或“缺货”;isSaleable()用于决定是否显示“添加到购物车”按钮等。 ...
Sentences with the word resay Words that rhyme with resay What is the past tense of resay? Use our Synonym Finder Nearby Words resaying resays rescale rescaled rescales rescaling resat resanctioning resale value resale shop resales re-saleable 5-letter Words Starting With r re res resaFind...
⑦ saleablea.可出售的;有销路的⑧serviceablea.有用的;经用的,耐用的B.-able有时可与不及物动词结合,生成带主动含义的形容词。例如:①agreeablea.惬意的,令人愉快的②reliablea.可靠的,可信赖的(←relyvi.)③ shrinkablea.会收缩的 339349/635限免...
hned word "unsaleable" in paragraph 2 is " A. neitber catable nor delicious B out of date and too heavy C. cannot be sold out but still eatable D expensive to buy but delicious59. The passage is written in a'an tone(语气) A. womed B. angry C. funny D. senous60. The passage...
ahe describes buying properties that need a little tender loving care to make them more saleable 他描述买需要一点温柔的爱护使他们更加可销售的物产 [translate] atom hasn't got lots of pears 汤姆没得到许多梨 [translate] apress f9 to start onekey ghost.timeout 按f9开始onekey ghost.timeout [...
One way to summarize the difference is that commoditization isabout proprietary things becoming generic, whereas commodification is about nonsaleable things becoming saleable. How is culture commodified? “Commodification” meanstransforming something into a product for commercial purposes, an item to be bo...
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saleable saleably salering saleroom salesman salesmen saleyard sameness saneness sapegoes sateless satelles saveable savegard saveloys saveying sazeracs schedule schellum schemata schemers schemies scheming scherzos scienced sciences scienter sclereid sclerema sclerite scleroid scleroma sclerose sclerous...