The company says that about 60% of the two factories' workers are women.Mar a has started by making two types of smartphones. The Mare X sells for $130, and the more powerful Mar a Z costs $190. That's a little more than most phones sold in Rwanda. But Mar a hopes that people...
根据原文“The region,covering Kenya,Uganda,Tanzania,Rwanda,Burundi and the latest addition South Sudan”可知,选项A、B、D为东非所涵盖的国家。选项C中的 Kigali出现在本文最后,可知为卢旺达的城市,而非一个国家。故本题答案为选项C。[解题关键]着重听取关键词,并分析地区名称之间的关系,判断岀Kigali是Rwanda ...
Republic of Rwanda is located in the eastern part of Africa south of the equator, the landlocked country. The east, Tanzania, Burundi, south west and northwest and Zaire at the junction of the north, bordering Uganda, the land area of 26338 square kilometers. Territory is mountainous...
about 60 milpon people moved to a new land. Most came from Europe. More than half immigrated to the United States. Other destinations included Canada, Argentina, Brazil, Austrapa, New Zealand and South Africa. Today, the availabipty of fast, safe and cheap transportation helps make migration...
Hey there, here is another landlocked country. Located in Central Africa,Chadshares borders with Sudan to the east, the Central African Republic to the south and Libya to the north, Niger to the west and Cameroon and Nigeria to the southwest. ...
Whether the negative relationship between farm size and crop productivity that is confirmed in a large global literature holds in Africa is of considerable policy relevance. Plot-level data from Rwanda point toward constant returns to scale and a strong negative relationship between farm size and crop...
(2013). Reversing the Trend of Corruption in South Sudan: Is Rwanda a Suitable Model? Journal of Developing Societies, 29(4), 487-501.Riak, M. M. (2013). Reversing the Trend of Corruption in South Sudan Is Rwanda a Suitable Model? Journal of Developing Societies, 29(4), 487-501....
a乌干达位于非洲中部,为多个国家接壤,例如肯尼亚,苏丹,刚果,卢旺达,坦桑尼亚 Uganda is located middle Africa, borders on for many countries, for example Kenya, Sudan, Congo, Rwanda, Tanzania[translate]
Rwanda, officially the Republic of Rwanda, is a landlocked country in the Great Rift Valley, where the African Great Lakes region and East Africa converge. Located a few degrees south of the Equator, Rwanda is bordered by Uganda, Tanzania, Burundi, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. ...