In addition to Mike’s broad technical background, he holds an Advanced Certificate in Market Management Practice from the Royal UK Charter Institute of Marketing and is a Visiting Lecturer at the University of Virginia’s Darden School of Business. He also teaches at Rutgers Business School. He...
” a malware strain that enslaves poorly secured Internet of Things (IoT) devices like wireless routers and security cameras into a botnet for use in large cyberattacks. Roughly a week after that assault, the individual(s) who launched that attack — using the name “Anna...
In addition to Mike’s broad technical background, he holds an Advanced Certificate in Market Management Practice from the Royal UK Charter Institute of Marketing and is a Visiting Lecturer at the University of Virginia’s Darden School of Business. He also teaches at Rutgers Business School. He...
Chris Hayes: You just said something interesting about the South Lake. So, this is a school district that was sort of having a very pitched battle over all these issues, how it was going to teach its curriculum around race and there's Black Lives Matter protests, and sort of a commit...
s a claim that soon found its way into the fever swamps of Reddit, 4Chan, and 8Chan, and from there made its way to Alex Jones, other far-right conspiracy sites, and finally Fox News Channel. From there, it was just a matter of time before it became what amounts to the primary ...
sense to get prior written consent. However, if the employees are asked to get their headshots done by the company, or a company vendor, and they know what the headshot will be used for, then their agreement to sit for the headshot ought to be at least as good as a written consent ...
Joseph Williams, professor of religion at Rutgers University, sees “Christian nationalists insist(ing) that the United States was established as an explicitly Christian nation, and believ(ing) that this close relationship between Christianity and the state needs to be protected—and in many respects...
I have a feeling what you’ll hear in reply is a woe-is-us wail of victimhood on the part of HR and corporate powers that be. The really good “talent” in their view is hidden like diamonds in the rough, and only technology can root it out– if they don’t, their competitors wi...
” Buckner says UA students can check out laptops and webcams from the university’s library, and that the school provides a physical testing center for students who need the space. “We are trying to accommodate students as much as we can during this crisis,” she says. “We’re trying...