Reactive gastropathy is associated with inflammatory conditions throughout the gastrointestinal tract. Aliment Pharmacol Ther. 2012;36:736-743.Maguilnik I, Neumann WL, Sonnenberg A, et al. Reactive gas- tropathy is associated with inflammatory conditions throughout the gastrointestinal tract. Aliment ...
Reactive gastropathy is associated with inflammatory GI conditionsGentaNews
lijima K; Iwabuchi T; Ara N; etal.Reactive increase in gastric mucus secretion is an adaptive defense mecha- nism against low-dose aspirin-induced gastropathy.Dig DisSci.2013.2266-2274Iijima K,Iwabuchi T,Ara N,et al. Reactive increase ingastric mucus secretion is an adaptive defense mechanism...
Sa1937 Continuous Bile Acid Exposure Is a Risk Factor for Development of Reactive GastropathyA causal relationship between oxyntic glands dilatation with protruding parietal cells, referred to as proton pump inhibitor (PPI) effects, and PPI use has been suspected but not established. We designed this...
Barrett Esophagus Is Associated with a Lower Prevalence of H. pylori Gastritis and a Higher Prevalence of Reactive Gastropathy: 10doi:10.14309/00000434-200809001-00010Ghazwan SharabiChristopher SchulerRobert GentaThe American Journal of Gastroenterology...