A synonym for "low preferred" could be "least favored" or "least desired". 6 What is preferred CV or resume? The preference between a CV or resume can depend on the job and the country. A CV is usually more detailed and used for academic positions, while a resume is concise and used...
What is a personal implication? When an individual has to make the decision to intervene in a given situation, the presence of others generally inhibits his or her reaction. ... A first study has shown that personal implication ishigh when people face a single individual who litters in a re...
Is Entrance a collective noun? No, "Entrance" is not a collective noun. 2 How do we divide Entrance into syllables? It can be divided as: en-trance. 2 What is another term for Entrance? A synonym could be "entryway" or "gateway." 2 What is the second form of Entrance (verb)?
A fermenting agent or enzyme Noun ▲ An essential nutrient for the human body Noun ▲ (chemistry)A substance that increases the rate of a chemical reaction Find more words! Another word forOpposite ofMeaning ofRhymes withSentences withFind word formsTranslate from EnglishTranslate to EnglishWords ...
To perform a series of actions on something Verb ▲ To improve, typically by making as close to perfect as possible “This technique could be used tooptimizethe temperature distribution, the cracking reaction, the unit operation, and the product distributions.” ...
“Iceberg Theory,” which describes writing that focuses on surface-level details without explicitly analyzing underlying themes, rather implying those themes for the reader to interpret. Hemingway was also greatly influenced by World Wars I and II, and his writing style may have been a reaction ...
elegans, the testis was stained by Feulgen reaction: (A) whole mount of isolated testis showing the linear arrangement of the stages of the process (magnification 387 ×); (B) enlargement of the mitotic region of the testis (magnification 3060 ×), (C) enlargement of the loop region ...
, 1990) suggest that Caloneis is a synonym of the closely related genus Pinnularia. Cells may possess one or two plastids. Several species are commonly found thoughout North America in alkaline habitats. Caloneis species are also found in brackish and marine waters. Capartogramma Kufferath ...
A possible synonym for "after coming" is "following." 1 What is the difference between I will come and I will be coming? "I will come" indicates a definite plan, whereas "I will be coming" suggests a plan that's less definite or part of a larger context. ...
What is the opposite of Article? There isn't a direct antonym for "Article". 4 What is the plural form of Article? The plural form is "articles". 3 What is another term for Article? A synonym could be "piece" when referring to a written work. 3 Is Article an adverb? No, Article...