import React from 'react'; import { CarouselProvider, Slider, Slide, ButtonBack, ButtonNext } from 'pure-react-carousel'; import 'pure-react-carousel/dist/'; Put a CarouselProvider component in your code. This allows the other carousel components to communicate with each ...
It's highly recommended enablingserver-side rendered stylesfor production use (see below). SX Ecosystem SX itself is just a core of the atomic CSS for JS. There are other projects helping with writing the SX code or building on top of it (sorted alphabetically): ...
Processing server-side JavaScript also needs a backend JavaScript framework that runs on the Node.js server, such asExpress.jsorHapi. These backend frameworks handle network requests, render the components on the server, and return the pre-rendered HTML to the browser. You can use them together ...
React can also be used on the backend with technologies like Next.js, which allows for server-side rendering of React applications, blurring the line between frontend and backend to some extent. Overall, though, React is predominantly associated with frontend...
Let’s consider how React features align with Next.js features: Server-side rendering (SSR): React itself doesn’t provide built-in server-side rendering capabilities. However, React components are rendered on both the client and server sides. React’s virtual DOM allows components to be rendere...
React.memo works by caching the rendered output of a component and comparing the current props with the previous props. If the props are the same, React.memo returns the cached result, avoiding a complete re-render. This helps in scenarios where rendering is computationally expensive. Here’s ...
services.AddDbContextPool<ApplicationDBContext>(options => options.UseMySql(Configuration.GetConnectionString("DefaultConnection"), ServerVersion.AutoDetect(Configuration.GetConnectionString("DefaultConnection")) )); any help is really appreciated,All...
TL;DR: Optimize your React app with memoization to prevent unnecessary re-renders. Learn to implement memoization using React.PureComponent for class components, React.memo and useMemo for functional components, and useCallback for functions to ensure efficient rendering and a smoother user experience....
And it's all possible with the following command: npx astro add @astrojs/react @astrojs/svelte @astrojs/vue And, because Astro outputs zero JavaScript by default, the bundle size does not increase for each new framework. Each component gets server-rendered and turned into static HTML so ...