The Nasdaq composite has historically had a high correlation with the S&P 500. The two indices even share common components, including Apple, Microsoft and Alphabet. Like the S&P 500, the Nasdaq typically reacts to macroeconomic catalysts such as U.S. gross domestic product growth, corporate earn...
FXCM provides a range of valuable research tools that enhance traders’ abilities to analyze and react to market conditions. The Economic Calendar, accessible through FXCM’s website, helps track key economic events that could influence market movements. It also offers insights such as previous data...
For publicly traded companies in the United States, the CFO is ultimately held responsible for ensuring that the quarterly and annual financial statements are produced in an accurate, nonfraudulent manner to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). This means the financial statements must...
Stakeholder mapping plots each stakeholder on a visual map based on their support and influence. It’s like aflowchartfor stakeholders. Use this document to understand how your stakeholders react to your project. Анализсильныхислабыхсторон, возможност...
In 20 years as a health reporter forMEDICC Review, I’ve interviewed hundreds, if not thousands, of these ‘white coat warriors.’ In post-quake Pakistan and Haiti, I lived in tents side-by-side with the Henry Reeve Brigade reporting on their work, even getting pressed into action in the...
although adhering to it anyway is good business practice. There are other reasons, beside good business sense, to comply with SOX even if you are not publicly traded. SOX does have some articles that state if any company knowingly destroys or falsifies financial data they could face punishment ...
the original CCGP release, publicly traded companies represent only 5,000 of the U.S.’s 28 million businesses, but they account for a third of private sector employment and half of all business capital spending, “both of which ultimately drive the productivity and health of the country.”...
“Now here is a prediction that is a bit more far out, but that I see as inevitable. The form of company ownership will change. Publicly traded shares as we know them today will gradually fade in importance. What will emerge to replace them is company issued “cryptocurrency”. The compan...
This is a very active time in the market as participants (analysts,traders, and investors) review the earnings reports, which may affect their positions on or in a company. You can often see a lot of movement in the shares of companies releasing reports as the market reacts to the new d...
Some common macroeconomic factors include: the rate of inflation; GDP growth; and the unemployment rate. Microeconomic factors include: a company's credit; its share liquidity; and stock price volatility. Style factors encompass growth versus value stocks; market capitalization; and industry sector. K...