DEATHISALONELY BUSINESS RayBradbury Venice,California,intheolddayshadmuchtorecommendittopeoplewholikedtobesad.Ithadfog almosteverynightandalongtheshorethemoaningoftheoilwellmachineryandtheslapofdarkwaterin thecanalsandthehissofsandagainstthewindowsofyourhousewhenthewindcameupandsang amongtheopenplacesandalongthe...
“Alive but dead” Ray Bradbury uses figurative language in Fahrenheit 451 by using the terms “alive yet not alive” and “dead but not dead.” By using these terms Bradbury is saying that things are alive when they are not‚ but in reality they are just machines. Bradbury also says ...
In delay comes the effort for a style, instead of leaping upon truth which is the only style worth deadfalling or tiger-trapping.——Ray Bradbury快就是真理。你说得越快,写得越迅速,你就越诚实。犹豫是一种思考。在迟疑中努力追求一种风格,而不是跃跃欲试地追求真理,这是唯一值得死磕或虎口夺食的...
“That country where it is always turning late in the year. That country where the hills are fog and the rivers are mist; where noons go quickly, dusks and twilights linger, and midnights stay.” - Ray Bradbury
Ray Bradbury’sSomething Wicked This Way Comes(1962). It’s the week before Hallowe’en, and the carnival has come to town. The calliope music entices everyone with its promises of youth regained and dreams fulfilled. And as two boys set out to explore the mysteries of the dark carnival’...
some 1.7×10106years from now. The anxiety displayed is one coming from a sense of loss, not a perverse desire to see dire predictions come true. They each engage in what Ray Bradbury said about Science Fiction’s extrapolative powers: these are stories that forewarn us of futures we do no...
the day the world sto the days blurred into the days mr david in the dc encyclopedia the dead men inside b the dead poet the deans office the death instinct the death love the death teem the debris of memory the debugger process the deck the decorators digest the deep cultural atm the ...
Ray Bradbury on “Drone:Nodrone” Okay, I admit this reference is somewhat subliminal, but Smith really wants you to know that he fucking hates drones, and what could be more Bradburyian than that? “Drone:Nodrone” is the album’s most aggro tune, cutting through all the rumination on...
MG: You rewrite. For years, I wanted to be a poet. I love the brevity of the poem. In the end, I wrote two poems. My favorite writing advice is from Ray Bradbury’sFahrenheit 451: throw up and clean up. In the first draft, get everything out, then clean up. In my writing, ...
The premise is a familiar one to science fiction geeks like me – what happens to our present if someone goes back and either deliberately or accidentally changes the history we know? This is best illustrated, at least for me, by Ray Bradbury’s classic and beautifully written “A Sound of...