Soft and fresh cheeses made from raw milk, on the other hand, are “much less safe,” adds D’Amico. “I wouldn’t eat those.” But is raw milk good for you? For many, the question of risk is only half the conversation when it comes to raw milk. Pasteurization’s detractors ...
While two of these headlines aretechnicallyaccurate – raw milk is responsible for more illnesses than pasteurized milk when the number of people who consume each is taken into account – the concern they convey about the risk of drinking unpasteurized milk is dramatically overstated. I’m going ...
As I said in the first article, I’m not here toconvinceyou to drink raw milk. I don’t work for a raw milk producer. I don’t make money promoting raw milk. I have nothing to gain if you decide to drink raw milk, nor do I have anything to lose if you choose not to. This ...
Recipes for Health Shots What to Know About Raw Milk You May Also Like Is Any Alcohol Good for You? It is important to understand the health risks and safety of alcohol and make informed choices for your well-being. Here’s what you need to know about the U.S. Surgeon General’s rece...
Gut health is everywhere. Fromproductsmarketed specifically for gut health to videos with the hashtag #guthealth boasting more than 3.7 billion views on TikTok, the term has become a wellness buzzword — but experts say it's more than that. ...
Prevention versus treatment and the role of guthealth in keeping herds and flocks healthy wereamong topics addressed during a panel discussion atthe Kemin Intestinal Health Symposium in PalmSprings, California.Sarah MuirheadFeedstuffs
Raw vs. Pasteurized and Homogenized Milk Types of Milk We Consume in the Kummer Household Types of Milk to Avoid Wrap-Up: Milk Is Mostly Good for You There are many misconceptions about the benefits of dairy consumption. While it’s true that milk is a convenient source of protein, fat, ...
A healthy gut microbiome has a rich diversity of several types of bacteria1. This permits better digestion of a wide array of foods, which helps to prevent digestive problems and food intolerances. Additionally, improving gut healthpromotes a good immune system2and helps to fight off infection. ...
If you walk down the supermarket aisle, you may be tempted with foods marketed as being good for your gut. Then there are the multiple health blogs about improving, supporting or maintaining your "gut health."
“The walls of your intestines are part of your gut’s natural mucosal barrier, which supports your body’s immune system. You want those filled with good bacteria—not bad,” Morris said. For those looking for a natural way to help their digestive problems, eating fermented foods can ...