You might be able to successfully build high speed rail for a few well-traveled corridors (Los Angeles to San Diego, DC to NYC, eg) but there’s just never gonna be a guy who wants to get on a train in LA and arrive nearly a full day later in NYC – he can be there is six ...
discounts for doing so is simply genius and effective. If that doesn’t work, Binance has made it clear that they will use their profits to buy back 50% of their BNBs in circulation and destroy them – this is a sure shot way to create a huge surge in the price of your crypto ...
Performance so far is really great, almost everything loads quickly, it was a pretty smooth and consistent 60fps, didn't experience any frame rate dips at all after my initial 1-2 hour run. This was in handheld mode! UI is also crisp and snappy, feels really great to click ...
They’ve also curtailed toll fraud issues, which can be pervasive when dealing with VoIPs—so no more concerns about thieves and scammers, even if your physical systems are accessed. Pricing:Pricing is a flat rate $24.95 per month, and there is no contract. 15.3CX This VoIP platform is p...
Best analysis of wind power scam and problems I’ve found. STOP THESE THINGS It doesn’t take a genius to work out that wind power is the greatest economic and environmental fraud of all time. All it takes is a little cognitive power and a sense of inquiry. ...
ConvertKit allows you to send the most laser targeted email of all time, but if it reads like a Nigerian Prince trying to scam them out of money, nobody is going to buy (actually, I guess some people would bite). I’ll be dead honest with you – ConvertKit’semail builderis rudimenta...
Red is an aging scam-artist who's just been released from prison together with Ronnie, a young and not-so-bright hoodlum who is easily manipulated. Their new business is to organize fake-money sales and then kill the buyer to take his money; but when Ronnie kills an undercover secret se...
We're living in the glorious golden age of civilization and that life is improving for the species at a dizzying rate not even hippies could have hoped for in their smelliest dreams.
Until Playtron actually get some agreements to be on more…normaldevices, I don't really see it going anywhere. At least once they eventually release the first public builds of the Linux-based PlaytronOS we might see what they're really up to. ...
At any rate, I will say first off that Mr. Levian is a genius. He turned a "common" (as it is referred to), less valued diamond into a money making machine. Smart guy. I will also say I am very pleased with my jewelry I have from Levian. I have three rings, engagement, bridal...