在线看Raiden Shogun is the storm _ Animation 33秒。27 8月 2021的高清视频,VK免费视频库免注册! 681 — 已浏览。 11 — 已评价。
在线看Shogun is so cute, do you like it?|Genshin.. 3分钟 38秒。26 10月 2022的高清视频,VK免费视频库免注册! 3 — 已浏览。 1 — 已评价。
PIXIV ID:93144642原神Raiden Shogun 雷电将军 雷电 影 by Nas is16543292021·09·23Pixiv插画师 Nasis の作品 - P站ID:61925849分辨率:2350x3521
When your team uses their elemental burst, they will generate resolve stacks for the Raiden Shogun.The amount of resolve stacks is determined by how much the energy cost is used for that particular burst. Moreover, the high energy cost would mean more stack and can have a maximum amount of...
The Raiden Shogun abides in the land of the Narukami, which translates to lightning. She is the mistress of the realm and resides at its heart. She promised the people of Inazuma an unchanging eternity because she believes this is the way to be closest to the Heavenly Principles. Her belie...
An interesting Genshin Impact banner revenue chart reveals the incredible success of the Electro Archon - Raiden Shogun.
— The Raiden Shogun, commenting on the past of neighboring nations to Guuji Yae. still = to an even greater degree or in an even greater amount (小声:感觉这里的“邻国”应该不是复数,就是指璃月嘛) 应「往生堂」邀请而来的神秘客卿。样貌俊美,举止高雅,拥有远超常人的学识。