Accelerated chemo- radiation to 70,6 Gy is more effective than accelerated radiation to 77,6 Gy alone--two years results of a ger- man multicenter trial [abstract] 78. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 2000;48(Suppl).Budach VGDS, Haake K, Stuschke M, et al. Accelerated chemoradiation to...
For example, for astage 1 cancerthat involves a small tumor and requires alumpectomywithout chemotherapy or radiation, you may need only one to two weeks off work, he adds. For more extensive treatment such as chemo, that might extend the timeframe considerably. A systematic review of evidenc...
I was a little mad at myself because I was lazy and went through the machine that I have been told by a radiation oncologist (whom I have great respect for) I should probably skip and not expose myself to the radiation. It just seemed faster. I started in an airport lounge with my ...
Resurging interest in machine learning is due to the same factors that have made data mining and Bayesian analysis more popular than ever. Things like growing volumes and varieties of available data, computational processing that is cheaper and more powerful, affordable data storage. ...
This equation is the basis for much of analytical toxicology that uses the absorbance of electromagnetic radiation as a method of quantifying an analyte. The equation is: A=abcwhere A is the absorbance (formerly called optical density), a is the absorptivity, b is the pathlength of the sample...
Cures, a nonprofit organization that helps cancer patients find evidence-based therapies that are outside of the typical "standard of care." Those include the use of supplements or generic medications that have shown promise in speeding recovering or alleviating side effects of chemo and radiation....
In some patients with early-stage NSCLC, we know that if they are not good surgical candidates for whatever reason, such as [those with] severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, they can benefit essentially equally from stereotactic radiation therapy. The whole [radiation] team need...
You asked me what the relevence of my reference to the article that showed that chemotherapy only added something like 1.4% to the long term survival of cancer patients. Well, it is – for all practical purposes – illegal to treat cancer using anything but chemotherapy and radiation in all ...
Radiation therapy (RT) administered after a three-day ATRi short course (days 1-3) resulted in increased tumor antigen-specific effector CD8+ T cells in the tumor-draining lymph node (DLN) one week later. Prior to this, there were sharp reductions in the proliferation of tumor-infiltrating ...
Apoptosis is a common mechanism for targeted chemotherapies that either directly induce cancer cell death or increase tumour cell sensitivity to known cytotoxic agents or radiation (Ricci and Zong, 2006). There are two established pathways that result in apoptosis: the extrinsic cell death pathway (...