All Sides displays the same news stories from multiple news outlets (along with their rating of their conservative or liberal bias). This is a great way to learn how the same story is reported differently in different outlets. #4: Distinguish Opinion from Fact Even news websites and programs...
and the public’s right to a speedy trial has been violated. There’s some thought that the Supreme Court may have been waiting for this verdict, and we will see if that is an explanation for the delay or whether there really are five justices who are intent on undermin...
I can’t believe you’re being taken so seriously that Rachel Maddow would devote much of her program to reading aloud from your book, or that Ben Rhodes would freak out about you on her show. If you can’t be as brave as the many heroes who have testified before Congress in the las...
In California, theDistrict 22 House raceis a very interesting because it is a so-called "jungle primary." The top two advance, so it could be a Democrat and a Republican. Or it could be two Republicans. The Democrats have already picked a Democrat. They spent a lot of money there, an...
these people aren’t really mad at the Democrats, or even the Left as a whole—they’re mad that the world has become a place that belies their conservative nature. That the Republicans, and much worse, Trump, are willing to play on those fiddle-strings is a shame and an unexposed ...
Catholic DudeBen Shapiro and Mark Levin are good conservative jews 1:36:02 Levi @Catholic Dude yea agreed 1:37:18 Church of Entropy [I can’t believe a physicist could be so stupid as to not realize that these are metaphors for natural vs man-made chall...
or PhD. Even the willfully ignorant, proud of their dismissal of science and logic, proud of their bigotry and chauvinism, eager to kick over the sand-castles of the liberal progressives—even these troglodytes have an equal say in the making of America. They are the cup of sugar in the...
There is no point seeking the philosophical thread that connects these meanderings. Weld has no fixed political or electoral outlook; he isn’t consistently conservative or liberal, and he’s certainly no diehard Republican. He has claimed since 2016 to be “Libertarian for life...
. The Dittoheads are kept happy, but discredit is brought upon the movement. No leader of the conservative movement is willing to defend Limbaugh on the merits. They just stay mum. Jay Bookman, meanwhile,what else it is that Limbaugh could possible say that would be worse than this:...
(That said, Richard J Evans, one of the world’s foremost historians of Germany,was a notably sharp critic). But it was his 2017 bookOn Tyrannythat cast Snyder into America’s liberal intellectual firmament: interviewed onAmanpour, quizzed on theDaily Show, gushed over by Rachel Maddow.On ...