Silver Witch seems to be using Quicksilver's speed ghost as her weapon. With the combined powers of the Scarlet Witch and her brother Quicksilver, Blur is going to have a very difficult time freeing himself from the Speedster Supreme. Silver Witch wants him dead for his role in ending Quicks...
Amazingly,The Flash is way faster than anything Quicksilverhas ever displayed in the comics thus far. Flash has moved so fast before that he can phase through solid objects, and can also create enough friction and momentum where he's able to throw lightning bolts at his foes. Who is the w...
Although humans cannot perceive these instantaneous changes — unless they are Quicksilver, Flash, or Dash Parr— they can be observed in slow-motion. But if you can't observe the changes in frames, then what makes the jump from 60Hz to 90Hz, 120Hz, or 144Hz refresh rate so apparent?
speedsters, such as Sonic and Quicksilver. It is said that The Flash can run 13 trillion times faster than the speed of light, which would mean that he can travel up to 1,750,000,000,000,000,000 miles per second. The Flash gets his incredible speed and abilities from The Speed Force...
Flash level superspeed hands down. Who wouldn't want to run so fast that you travel through time, run across the world in a second, vibrate your molecules through solid matter, and go faster than the speed of light? 12 years ago thespideyguy Follow 2770 Forum Posts 58 Wiki P...
I also have talked about it in the past, the OS running on my G4 (MacOSX) is not as fast as the OS running on my (old) PC (WinXP). I believe that the hardware is not too bad, it is the same or a bit faster than their x86 equivelants, but the MacOSX OS is just _slow_...