You get a hernia when an organ or fatty tissue squeezes through a weak spot in a surrounding muscle or connective tissue called fascia. Hernias often happen where the belly wall is weaker, such as in the belly area or groin. They can have various causes. Hernias can be painful. In some...
You get a hernia when an organ or fatty tissue squeezes through a weak spot in a surrounding muscle or connective tissue called fascia. Hernias often happen where the belly wall is weaker, such as in the belly area or groin. They can have various causes. Hernias can be painful. In some...
Dysuria is the medical term for painful urination or discomfort while urinating. This painful, burning sensation is commonly associated with urinary tract infections, which are usually caused by bacteria. Dysuria is also a common symptom ofcystitis(inflammation of the bladder) and bladder infection in...
Although intrarectal lidocaine application or periprostatic nerve block seem to reduce the pain during prostate biopsy, pathological finding of prostatitis brings a question whether the procedure is more painful when there is inflammation present. We evaluated and compared pain scores at the end of ...
Proton therapy 'safer and more effective against prostate cancer' The trial was conducted by the Radiation Therapy Oncology Group.. NIH-funded study shows reduction in death for men with intermediate-grade prostate cancer Standardized criteria for internal lymphedema: For laryngeal lymphedema, the Radiat...
The semen will have the same volume and composition from the secretions of the prostate and the seminal vesicle. However, the vasectomized male will go into a situation of azoospermia, that is, the total absence of sperm in the semen. Vasectomy is a simpler, safer, and more effective ...
After surgery, the patient may undergo chemotherapy and radiation to prevent the adenocarcinoma from growing again. As with other cancers, the cause of these tumors is not fully understood, and these cancers can strike anyone from someone who has lived a fit and healthy life, to someone who ...
Prostate massage is performed with a finger or strap-on inserted into the rectum to stimulate the prostate gland. This can release excess seminal fluid—the fluid that mixes with sperm to create semen—from the ducts of the prostate gland. ...
radiation therapy 38 Breast and prostate cancer patients undergoing radiation therapy Vallance59 95 Patients with breast cancer receiving adjuvant chemotherapy Von Gruenigen56 27 Ovarian cancer patients receiving adjuvant chemotherapy Usual care – Usual care 12 weeks of moderate- intensity walking + ...
Radiation therapy One of the treatments researchers are studying isradiation therapy. Radiation therapy may help relieve pain associated with Peyronie's disease. But in some cases, this can make your scar tissue worse. Because of this risk, this isn't often used anymore. Also, other methods can...