The hilum shifts towards the obstructed lung during inspiration, and during expiration, it moves in the opposite direction, towards the remainder of the lung, which forces the air out. This movement is known as the Holzknecht-Jacobson sign and indicates obstruction of one of the main bronchi [...
Watson JH, Brinkman GL: Electron Microscopy Of The Epithelial Cells Of Normal And Bronchitic Human Bronchus. Am Rev Respir Dis. 1964, 90: 851-866. PubMed CAS Google Scholar Gebhard A, Gebert A: Brush cells of the mouse intestine possess a specialized glycocalyx as revealed by quantitative...
Fill in the blanks. There are ___ segmental bronchi in the right lung and ___ in the left lung. Which of the following is true about breathing? a. When we breathe in, the diaphragm relaxes. b. When we breathe in, intrapleural pressure becomes more negative...
- Vascular and cluster headaches Pulmonary Diseases - Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease - Emphysema - Asthma - Bronchiectasis (dilatation of bronchus or bronchi) - Pneumocystis carinii (PCP or AIDS-related pneumonia) - Chronic bronchitis Infectious Diseases ...
Fill in the blank. Collapse of part of the lung caused by obstruction of bronchi or bronchioles with absorption of the trapped air into the bloodstream is called ___. Which condition could be considered an upper air obstruction? a. Pneumothorax. b. Epigl...
To quantify immunoreactive epithelial cells in the bronchi, double-labeling immunofluorescence with antibodies against CGRP and CXCL13 was performed. Longitudinal sections of the whole lung including the tra- chea were analyzed (5 animals, 3–4 sections each with a distance of at least 50 µm...
Airway surface liquid pH in ATP12A-overexpressing cells. ASL pH measurements were performed using a microsensor pH electrode in thin-film, unperturbed ASL. Two independent cell models (a,b) primary human airway epithelial cells and (c,d) Calu-3 cells were transfected to overexpress ATP12A or ...
Cell lysates (20 μg protein) were separated using SDS-polyacrylamide gel and transferred onto polyvinylidene fluoride membranes (Merck, Darmstadt, Germany). The blotted membranes were incubated with the indicated primary antibodies overnight at 4 °C and the appropriate secondary antibody at 25 °C...
23..5DCilsucsutesrsiAonnalysis Integrating Molecular and Remodeling Data Reveals Subgroups of Asthma PatienInts twhitshsUtundiqyu, ewBerocnocmhipaal rEepditshevliaelraGleanierwExapyrersesmioondPealtitnegrnisndices at the large bronchi and pAecrilpuhsteerraal nleavlyesl,isinbcalsueddinognCepTitahi...