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A universal redux version of my Meteor attempt at Words with Friends (online scrabble). - words-with-strangers-redux/input_words.txt at master · joshwcomeau/words-with-strangers-redux
Instead of being greeted by her dear old granny, the poor frightened girl met a hairy, long-toothed predator who wanted to gobble her up. Fortunately for the helpless child, a nearby woodsman heard her cries and slew the beast. Not exactly a lighthearted, gentle story to begin with, is ...
about a spinning world that makes you feel lost. Just look at the song titles from that track on –“Devil”, “The Predator”, “Chemical Imbalance”. Swollen aim for a balance between the murder raps of Necro and the depressive introspection of Sadistik – self-harm as a sign of ...
We found that this company has been reviewed at the extremes. The reviews are either very positive or negative. This may indicate a possible scam. In this case, a lot of real customers complain about the company. To hide this fact, the scammer is compensating by buying positive reviews, hi...
The Ravens uniform options are fantastic top to bottom, but I personally would not be sad if their Ravens moved to their Color Rush alternate full-time (It's one of the few Color Rush Uniforms that are actually good). Buffalo Bills Getty Images Buffalo Bills The Bills' return to a more...
This need for precision at all times is one of the reasons they’re sometimes bad at explaining things to non-coders. There is a certain art to making a good API. You want the controls to be as simple as possible without taking away functionality. A well-designed library should be ...