No Texas road trip is complete without an Allsup's Beef and Bean Burrito. It's a must have item or anything from Allsup's in general. Powerade Powerade So aside from the obvious water it's great to get some electrolytes in your body so Powerade is for sure a must. Skinny...
I decide to go to the convenient store right across the street for some Powerade Zero and after being gone no longer than 5 mins, I come back out of breath and practically stumbling for my composure. I’m a ridiculous mess. I take a few sips, take a Tums for my stomach acid, and ...
We're not talking about a kid's meal toy here, but instead a drink that has the perfect cool after taste. To make it, all you do is fill your cup about a quarter of the way with Powerade and the rest with the green Vault energy soda. This drink can really only be made at Whata...
Sports drinks like Gatorade and Powerade sell themselves as thirst-quenchers that perform better than plain water. While it’s true that they provide some of the salts your body sweats out during a workout, they also include lots and lots of sugar. A standard 20-ounce bottle of lemon-lime ...
Probably all of you. The myth has become so commonplace that even kids are saying “Drink your 8 glasses of water a day mommy!” (right afterthe other BS myth –orange juice is good for you!). Surprisingly, even theMayo Clinic flat out states that this 8 glasses of water thing isn’...
The food shortages and are now being openly discussed, even in mainstream circles. For instance, Carolyn Dimitri, associate professor of nutrition and food studies at New York University, says: “Because agriculture is so labor dependent, if you end up having a huge outbreak during the planting...
Sports drinks like Gatorade and Powerade sell themselves as thirst-quenchers that perform better than plain water. While it’s true that they provide some of the salts your body sweats out during a workout, they also include lots and lots of sugar. A standard 20-ounce bottle of lemon-lime...