Is dysautonomia the same as POTS? POTS is a form of dysautonomia— a disorder of the autonomic nervous system. This branch of the nervous system regulates functions we don't consciously control, such as heart rate, blood pressure, sweating and body temperature. Does Xanax help with POTS? Me...
Ohio came down one day with “a heart attack”. He was subjected to catheterization of the heart that was found to be completely normal. Meanwhile, his son was a medical student and having researched his
Each of these enzymes requires a chemical “friend”, known as a cofactor. One of the most important enzymes, the one that actually enables the oxidation of glucose, requires thiamine and magnesium as its cofactors. Chemical energy cannot be produced without thiamine and magnesium, although it al...
The tricky thing is, your limits may change from day to day, and may be affected by many factors such as hormones, stress and even the weather. Readmore about pacing here. Get evaluated for dysautonomia Dysautonomia, a nervous system disorder, is a common cause of some of l...