pop! Popcorn has been around for thousands of years. Back then, people made popcorn by putting corn kernels on red-hot stones near a fire. Popcorn was not always eaten whole as it is now. Instead, people made the popcorn into a type of flour (面粉) and then added water to make ...
they couldn’t see a doctor. If they were not badly ill, they just stayed at home. If they were badly ill, they had to go to the city to see a doctor, but it was difficult for them. So some farmers died because of this. From then on, I made up my mind...
Prince Caspian’s parents died. He lived with his uncle, Miraz, the King of Narnia and his aunt. Though he had wonderful toys, he liked best the last hour of the day when the toys had all been put away and Nurse would tell him stories. He didn’t care much for his uncle and aun...
Manú National Park is a biological wonder, protected—for now—by isolation and the indigenous people deep in its rain forest.
It is usually associated with misery 通常与伤心事有关: He sobbed for hours when his cat died. 他的猫死了, 他抽抽搭搭地哭了半天. Children whimper with fear or in complaint 儿童因害怕或抱怨而哭用 whimper. *|Wail indicates long noisy crying in grief or complaint *|wail 意为痛哭或嚎啕...
who have chosen to not vaccinate their children. Seminole is at the center of the largest measles outbreak since 2019. Since the beginning of the year, more than 140 Texas residents, most who live in the surrounding Gaines County, have been diagnosed and 20 hospitalized. A child has died. ...
答案:B 3.The genes of the cloned animals are so arranged that they can’t such a disease.So they soon died. A.keep B.resist C.exist D.stop 提示:此处用 resist 表示“抵制,抵抗”。 keep 意为“保持,保存”;exist 意为“存在”;stop 意为“停止,阻止”。 答案:B 4.Much new an...
died C. came D. left 〔〕 9. A. besides B. except C. and D. or 〔〕10. A. live 〔〕 11. A. have B. to live B. without C. lived C. with D. living D. get 〔〕12. A. high B. higher C. short D. shorter 〔〕 13. A. shouting 〔〕 14. A. tigers 〔〕15. ...
-Last month I asked him when Napolen(拿破仑) had died,and he didn't know! -please sir,give him another chance,said Jack's father. -You see,we (95)havebought newspapers in the past few months,but we have no time to read,so none of us know when Napolen was ill. ...
As there were strange marks on the X-ray plates taken of the mummy, doctors have been trying to find out whether the woman died of a rare disease. The only way to do this was to operate. The operation, which lasted for over four hours, proved to be very difficult because of the ...