Mars is exalted in Capricorn and being faster moving and initiatory of the new or change, it is acting as a trigger for these underlying Pluto in Capricorn changes to our structure. With Jupiter there as well, it is being inflated and expanded very rapidly on a huge scale. On one level ...
Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto. (The Asteroid belt was a planet destroyed in an Anunnaki Civil War which I don’t have time to go into here) (2-10) Earth’s Moon (11) The 12th planet: Nibiru. Nibiru has an elliptical orbit that loops around the other eleven with their wobbly ...
Ever since Pluto was discovered in 1930, astronomers have been looking for another more massive body that could explain the orbital perturbations observed in the orbits of Neptune and Uranus. This search became known as the “search for Planet X”, which literally meant the “search for an as ...
In short, there isn’t a great deal that goes on in the universe that astronomers can’t find when they have a mind to. Which is why it is all the more remarkable to reflect that until 1978 no one had ever noticed that Pluto has a moon. In the summer of that year, a young astr...
Anymore than its possible to prove thereisn'ta golden giraffe in orbit around Pluto. There is a very very small possibility there is a giraffe, but given every possible understanding of how a golden giraffe could get into orbit around Pluto, short of being a 'miracle' how could there be?
Darringtonis still very connected to logging, even though it is not the primary financial driver of the town anymore. The middle and high schoolmascot is the Loggers, and the industry is obvious everywhere you look. Even the town gym, which is also the community center, is made completely ...