Unweighted UniFrac methods (qualitative measures) only consider the presence/absence of taxa between sample pairs. See also: bioinformatics, and quantitative insights into microbial ecology (QIIME). bioinformatics, and Trinity Developed at the Broad Institute and the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, this...
Evidence-based practice (EBP) can improve patient healthcare. Learn more by exploring the models and hierarchy for EBP, including Ace Star, John Hopkins Nursing, and quantitative and qualitative hierarchy pyramids. Related to this Question
To better understand the dynamics of ookinete infection, mature gametocytes were fed to mosquitoes and quantitative PCR was performed to measure expression of parasite and mosquito genes the day after blood feeding. Expression of P. falciparum genes Pfs25 and CTRP was similar across conditions, indica...
This confirms that the influence of qualitative differences in food-web structure can, in some cases, be dominated by quantitative differences in parameter values18, which vary dramatically39. Nevertheless, the PGI reduces many modes of variability into a single variable. It is plausible, then, ...
This confirms that the influence of qualitative differences in food-web structure can, in some cases, be dominated by quantitative differences in parameter values18, which vary dramatically39. Nevertheless, the PGI reduces many modes of variability into a single variable. It is plausible, then, ...
Andjelkovic AV, Zochowski MR, Morgan F, Pachter JS: Qualitative and quantitative analysis of monocyte transendothelial migration by confocal microscopy and three-dimensional image reconstruction. In Vitro Cellular & Developmental BiologyAnimal. 2001, 37: 111-120. 10.1290/1071-2690(2001)037<0111:QAQAO...
Study description Briefly describe the study type including whether data are quantitative, qualitative, or mixed-methods (e.g. qualitative cross-sectional, quantitative experimental, mixed-methods case study). Research sample State the research sample (e.g. Harvard university undergraduates, villagers in...
The cluster size analysis was complemented by independent evaluation of the images by a second investigator (also blind to treatments) who ranked images according to cluster size; in all cases, there was a 100% match between these latter qualitative evaluations and the quanti...
Descriptive data are presented as n (percentage) for qualitative variables and mean standard deviation (SD) for quantitative ones. Comparisons between groups according to sleep quality were made using the t-test for unpaired data with quantitative variables and using Pearson’s Chi-square test with ...
we investigated the role of the NCT complex in virulence in a murine model that uses cortisone acetate as an immunosuppressive agent resulting in qualitative defects in innate immunity. This model has been shown to better reflect the host’s immune response in relation to detection of fungal-speci...