PHI, or protected health information, is any type of health information, like physical or electronic health records, medical bills, and lab test results, that has individual identifiers (PII). The confidentiality requirements surrounding PHI are very strict and violation of these can lead to severe...
Through this post, we hope to provide a clearer picture of what exactly is PHI or Protected Health Information and what is not considered PHI. And hopefully, you as ahealthcare software developercan use the information below as a reference while determining if all the information you are collec...
and it is designed to protect the sensitive data of patients. The PII definition used within the context of HIPAA isprotected health information(PHI). This includes PII information regarding not just who a patient is but also the kinds of treatment they get and the health conditions they have...
Note that not all personally identifiable information (PII) is what you would traditionally think of as confidential information. Simple data like a name or mother's maiden name are targets too. Another common target is medical or protected health information (PHI) as defined in the US HIPAA ...
Regulatory compliance: Third-party management is a core component of many regulatory requirements such as FISMA, SOX, HITECH, CPS 234, GLBA, and the NIST Cybersecurity Framework. Depending on your industry and the type of data you handle (e.g., PII or PHI), you may be legally required ...
With Kiteworks SFTP, organizations securely transfer confidential files to and from remote servers, with strong encryption measures in place to protect sensitive information like customer records, account information, and personally identifiable information and protected health information (PII/PHI). Kiteworks...
Data Loss Prevention Software is essential for organizations to prevent the loss or theft of critical information. See how Forcepoint can help.
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) Business Associate Agreements (BAA) must be established for any provider accessing protected health information (PHI). A CDO managing PHI on its DBaaS must have a HIPAA BAA in place. Additionally, a Payment Card Industry Data...
HIPAA requires specific technological, physical, and administrative safeguards for any company that processes ePHI. Violations can range from $100 to $250K and up to 10 years in jail. Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX) The Sarbanes-Oxley Act was passed in 2002 to better protect corporate investors from...
Some industries require a high level of data security to comply withdata protection regulations. For example, organizations that process payment card information must use and store payment card data securely, and healthcare organizations in the USA must secure private health information (PHI) in line...