(redirected fromUpsilon Sigma Phi) Wikipedia Category filter: AcronymDefinition USPUnited States Pharmacopeia(United States Pharmacopeial Convention, Inc.) USPUnit Sales Price USPUniversidade de Sao Paulo(University of Sao Paulo) USPUniversity of the South Pacific(Fiji, South Pacific) ...
Sigma Phi Labs is an interactive platform for young learners. Integrates gamification, 3D elements that stimulate learners’ natural curiosity.
PSPPhi Sigma Pi PSPPhysical Security Professional(American Society for Industrial Security) PSPPrinceton Series in Physics(Princeton University; Princeton, NJ) PSPProgressive Supranuclear Palsy PSPParalytic Shellfish Poisoning PSPPerformance Service Plan(product service plan offered at Best Buy stores) ...
5a–d, cells were cultivated in modified Verduyn medium with the addition of 1% glucose, 2% pyruvate or the combination of 1% glucose with LM (Lipid Mixture 1, Sigma, L0288) or with CSM (Formedium, DCS0019); cells were also cultivated in YPD with 1% glucose....
$$\begin{aligned} f\left( \phi _1(t_0,x_0)\right| n) = \theta _0/2\;\mathbf {\sigma }\cdot \textbf{n} = - f\left( \phi _2(t_0,x_0) | n\right) , \end{aligned}$$ (70) where the projection along \(\textbf{n}\) is made explicit as in Subsection (8.3). The...
\kern-0pt} {\left( {\varpi + \sigma } \right)\beta }}} \\ \end{array} } \\ \end{array} } \right] ,$$ (35) T is the 3 × 3 diagonal matrix on the right hand side of Eq. (32) and O is a null 3 × 2 array, and B is defined as \({\mathbf{B}} ...
PSPPhi Sigma Pi PSPPhysical Security Professional(American Society for Industrial Security) PSPPrinceton Series in Physics(Princeton University; Princeton, NJ) PSPProgressive Supranuclear Palsy PSPParalytic Shellfish Poisoning PSPPerformance Service Plan(product service plan offered at Best Buy stores) ...
DSPDelta Sigma Phi(fraternity) DSPDemokratik Sol Parti(Turkish: Democratic Left Party) DSPDivision of Special Programs(various schools) DSPDefense Standardization Program DSPDisodium Phosphate DSPDirectory System Protocol DSPDu Sol au Plafond(French painting company) ...
How many different pi or sigma bonds are there in a fatty acid chain? How many different unit cells can a crystal have if the unit cell has all of its unit cells has at least one 90 degrees angle between axes? How many different aldoheptoses are there? How many are d-sugars? Draw ...
PSPPhi Sigma Pi PSPPhysical Security Professional(American Society for Industrial Security) PSPPrinceton Series in Physics(Princeton University; Princeton, NJ) PSPProgressive Supranuclear Palsy PSPParalytic Shellfish Poisoning PSPPerformance Service Plan(product service plan offered at Best Buy stores) ...