Under equity-based incentive schemes, managers in state-owned enterprises are more prone to increasing tax avoidance behavior, given the associated performance pressures, a reduced regulatory environment, and decreased influence from negative information. Posted in Renin Signaling | Leave a reply ...
This is living in cloud cuckoo land because (1) many of the low skilled already work off-the-books and cash in hand and (2) many more would be willing to do so under such a regime. It is also improbable that EU members state citizens coming after Brexit would be denied all benefits...
To further prove the duplicity, deception, and insincerity of this proposed law - when I write and expose the brutalization of Zimbabweans under the ZANU PF regime, immediately I am attacked by many as being 'unpatriotic' - for ostensibly, "campaigning against my own country" - yet, when...
They are considered as the core part of every religion in India. The implemented Indirect tax Regime seems to have relaxation on most of the ritual services in the country. Several sections under Goods and services law have exempted temples, churches, mosques, Gurdwaras, and other religious ...
Sam Dunn Personal Finance Editor
Under this Refinance Scheme PFIs will lend on a 3 months renewable basis at the rate of their Mudaraba Savings a/c rate or bank rate (5%), whichever is lower. Profit generated from this fund will be distributed among the PFIs according to their investment ratio. Investment in Refinance ...
Zanu-PF and its apologists are renowned for their single-mindedness belief in offence as not only the best but only defence. It is, therefore, a novelty to see ...
Banks may, for instance, design new programmes to increase the financial literacy and awareness. II.2 THE "UFA-FI" In order to fully participate in a country, people should have the right to financial citizenship. The UFA-FI could be, therefore, considered as one of the basic human rights...
The first attempt to establish a regime was in 1603, when Britain tried to stop trade in tobacco, considered a dangerous substance, but the effort was a failure. Also failures were the anti-alcohol regime, founded by the Brussels General Act of 1889–1890, and the anti-opium trade ...
Typical examples of PFICs include foreign-based mutual funds and startups that exist within the scope of the PFIC definition. Foreign mutual funds typically are considered PFICs if they are foreign corporations that generate more than 75% of their income from passive sources, such as capital gai...