POPetty Officer(military rank) POPissed Off POPouces(French: Inches) POPiss Off POPer Os(Latin: by mouth, orally) POParole Officer POPool POPoint of Order POProgram Office(r) POPut Out POProduct Owner(software development) POPacific Ocean ...
POPetty Officer(military rank) POPissed Off POPouces(French: Inches) POPiss Off POPer Os(Latin: by mouth, orally) POParole Officer POPool POPoint of Order POProgram Office(r) POPut Out POProduct Owner(software development) POPacific Ocean ...
quick, and dignified. Because of the high number of unwanted companion animals and the lack of good homes, sometimes the most humane thing that a shelter worker can do is give an animal a peaceful release from a world in which dogs and ...
Daniel is a Staff Writer for Lifehacker. He served in the U.S. Navy, where he reached the rank of Petty Officer 3rd Class as a Logistic Specialist and was awarded a Navy Community Service Medal and Navy Letter of Commendation for his exemplary service aboard the USS Theodore Roosevelt aircr...
) Superior birth or station; high rank; elevated character. Qualm (n.) Sickness; disease; pestilence; death. Qualm (n.) A sudden attack of illness, faintness, or pain; an agony. Qualm (n.) Especially, a sudden sensation of nausea. Qualm (n.) A prick or scruple of conscience; ...
A person who is in charge. A person who exercises control over workers. Most important element. The chief aim of living. A chief petty officer. (Heraldry) The upper section of a shield. Highest in rank, authority, or office. The chief scientist in the lab. ...
assigned to, and each Battlefleet is generally named after the Sector it protects (Battlefleet Gothic is located in theGothic Sector, Battlefleet Calixis is in theCalixis Sector, Battlefleet Cadia is located in the Cadian Sector, etc.) and commanded by an officer with the rank of Lord Admiral...
1. chiefly Brit miserly, ungenerous, or petty 2. humble, obscure, or lowly: he rose from mean origins to high office. 3. despicable, ignoble, or callous: a mean action. 4. poor or shabby: mean clothing; a mean abode. 5. informal chiefly US and Canadian bad-tempered; vicious 6...
Georgiades said the petty officer said he did not have other questions and she was allowed to leave the ship for a few days. When she returned, Georgiades went to another superior to report the assault. She said what she was met with stopped her from going any further with the report. ...
This is strange because officers of this high rank always leave a trace. But because so far in my searches I have found none, I am compelled to conclude that this moniker is being used by some person, or even group of persons, of military provenance, who are posing as a retired ...