Do you want to beat the bite of mosquitoes? This is a summary of research projects and publications dealing with mosquitoes, mosquito-borne disease, insect repellents, urban wetlands and urban ecology (as well as other Medical Entomology activities) by D
DEET contains chemicals called permethrins, which are very toxic to insects and have also shown up as an ingredient in many other popular brands of insect repellent. However, some people don’t like or even stand the smell of DEET. Others object to its possible link to cancer, making it q...
Wilderness Medicine Justin Hensley, MD Justin Hensley, MD Emergency physician with interests in wilderness and prehospital medicine. Medical Director of the Texas State Aquarium, Padre Island National Seashore, Robstown EMS, and Code 3 ER |EBM gone Wild| @EBMGoneWild|...
Spearman correlation analysis showed only moderate (0.51) or weak (0.29) correlation between the kdr genotype and permethrin or deltamethrin resistance, respectively. The frequency of the kdr allele was an even weaker correlate than genotype. These results indicate that assessing kdr ...
Kevin when it’s warm enough in PA for the mosquitoes to be whining around wouldn’t a shirt that retains moisture like a good old poly or even cotton tee be OK? I like to get wet when it’s hot. Get a little evaporative cooling going on. OTOH I guess I have seen days and hike...
mosquitoes breed, such as flower pots, old tires, or any places that can collect rain water are needed to be cleared. Water should not be left stagnant, as this is a good breeding ground for the mosquitoes. An infected person should also be protected from mosquitoes as this could spread ...
Repellents containing permethrin don’t repel so much as kill. These are not safe for your skin and must be allowed to dry on your clothes, tent, sleeping bag and other gear before using. Natural repellents containing citronella or other plant-based chemicals may also be used. ...
, this blanket is a stone-cold killer, laced with skin-safe insecticide to keep bugs away (as the “cide” suffix there tells you, this means it kills them). So if you’re opposed to killing mosquitoes, ticks, fleas, and the like, then this isn’t the blanket you’re looking for....
In mosquitoes, multiple P450 genes were found to be involved in permethrin resistance, but their expression was not only up-regulated, but sometimes down-regulated in resistant strains [29]. The expression changes could be co-responsible for detoxification of insecticides. In a study of the ...