competition with spectator who rights half a face-up/face-down mixed deck faster, spectator's end up mixed again while performer's magically unmix Related to Triumph for Two (Ben Daggers, 2022) 2018 Principia 124 Cards / Effect Themes / Gags & Curiousities / Gags Cards / Effect Theme...
This one is a little too fake, but it’s also so fake that it’s passable for a group of high school students and teachers. InHiding Out, Jon Cryer stars as stockbroker Andrew Moresnki, currently on the run after witnessing a mob hit. He decides to flee to a relative’s residence,...
In the early morning of June 6, 1944, Allied troops enacted D-Day, which would bring the war about-face and bring down Nazi Germany. Approximately 155,000 Allied troops comprising U.S., British, and Canadian soldiers stormed Omaha Beach in Normandy, France. [Pictured: Allied troops in the...
A universal redux version of my Meteor attempt at Words with Friends (online scrabble). - words-with-strangers-redux/input_words.txt at master · joshwcomeau/words-with-strangers-redux
Share on Facebook Don't ask John Gustafson or Max Goldman, the beloved characters of 'Grumpy Old Men' fame,'How Old is Too Old to Shovel Snow?'You just might get a big, "Why don’t you do the world a favor and take your lower lip and pull it over your head and swallow?” ...
Share on Facebook Share on Twitter We had a spirited debate about tipping. First, there have been reports that some people are being asked to tip…at the SELF-CHECKOUT LINE! IL/Canva Secondly, there was an article about, “Six Places You Should Never Tip”. Did you know that in MANY...
But it has nothing to do with Cern, the physics project that discovered the Higgs boson “god particle” and is hundreds of kilometres away. Nearly half a million in ‘debt consolidation’ from ‘RCS Loan’? No, just another scam By Mary Alexander on 2 May 2024 2 May 2024 – If ...
So you may also know the reason, given by the Hasidic Jews, why today the sense of the "holy" sounds preachy and archaic, but in the old days, prophets and wise people actually encountered God face to face. The answer is that today everybody has a bad back, and nobody can bend ...