In the 1980s, the United Nations and some countries began to envisage the Eurasian Land Bridge, the Silk Road Initiative, and other plans, reflecting a common wish to engage in communication and cooperation. 2013年3月,习近平主席提出构建人类命运共同体理念;9月和10月,先后提出共建“丝绸之路经济带...
Pakistan, Bangladesh, Jordan and other poor countries essentially made up for the absence of US financial support. Since Washington benefits from peacekeepers, who damp down conflicts without US troops, it should not be discouraging nations from sending them. Washington's natural allies at the UN...
Mr. Vajpayee said the offer, made the day before at the United Nations by Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf, was tantamount to an admission that Pakistan supports terrorism. Mr. Vajpayee’s address included both implicit and direct criticism of neighboring Pakistan, which his government accuses ...
GENEVA, Nov. 1 (Xinhua) -- Visiting China's Xizang Autonomous Region was a "dream come true," the permanent representative of Pakistan to the United Nations in Geneva has said, calling the trip "a pleasant surprise, contrary to what we hear from some Western delegates." Ambassador Khalil H...
opportunities and achievements it creates belong to the whole world. the china-pakistan economic corridor, since its launch ten years ago, has lent strong impetus to the economic and social development of pakistan. the china-laos railway h...
The draft resolution, tabled by Pakistan, won 115 votes in favor, none against, with 44 abstentions. Two amendments to the draft resolution, tabled by the 27 European Union member states and co-sponsored by Britain, were rejected by the General Assembly. One amendment would have removed the...
Where is Pakistan Where is Philippines Where is Qatar Where is Russia Where is Saudi Arabia Where is Singapore Where is South Korea Where is Sri Lanka Where is Syria Where is Taiwan Where is Tajikistan Where is Thailand Where is Turkey Where is Turkmenistan United Arab Emirates Where is Uzbekis...
“The Afghan people are not supporters of the Taliban. They impose their rule here and there, but that is because they still continue to receive support from the outside," Abdullah said, pointing the finger at Pakistan, as quoted by Fox News. ...
In April 2016, the World Bank approved the National Immunization Support Project for Pakistan. This project, costing an estimated $377.41 million, aims to increase the equitable distribution of vaccines to children ages 0 to 23 months.5